Montag, 22. April 2013

Christian Penninger

Hello my name is Christian Penninger and I am 16 years old.

I live with my mother, my father and my cat in Eferding.
My hobbies are swimming in summer and skiing in winter.
But most of my free time I must learn for School.
I have weekly a Test or a Short Test.
I don’t know why on earth the other people in school have time for their free time activities.
Sometime I think that I have any time for myself.
After all I am not the best pupil, but I am also not the worst.
My grades in school are OK.
My favorite subject is history because we don’t get any homework there.
At the beginning of the summer holidays, when I must learn anything, I am always ill.
I hate it when I am ill. Then I have high fever, I lie in my bed and can’t do anything.
But the worst thing is that I can’t sleep.
So I lie in my bed, have a fever and listen to the same music again and again.
That’s so boring!

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